River Restoration
Area of interest
River Restoration
Devon is home to a complex network of streams, rivers and estuaries that provide rich varied habitats and vital water supplies. They stretch from upland moors, meander through sheltered wooded valleys and mudflat estuaries, on their way to the sea.
Multiple pressures affect the health of Devon’s watercourses, including agricultural run-off, slurry, sewage, soil erosion, flash floods, industrial pollution, and plastic pollution.
The DEF supports projects that improve the environmental health of Devon’s rivers by enhancing wildlife biodiversity, water quality and flood management. This includes initiatives to restore and create wetlands, plant native trees, reintroduce beneficial species such as beavers, clean up plastic, and run community engagement programmes to help change behaviour.
We particularly welcome projects that aim to share learnings and best practice to replicate their successes and scale their positive impact to other areas, to maximise the benefits to nature.