Grants News: Our Latest Grants

Sharing some of the uplifting nature restoration projects that DEF has enabled in recent months…

Q2 2024 GRANTS

Save Our Seagrass Year 2 – £14,400

Protecting the seagrass meadows in Torbay through a holistic strategy of community engagement alongside physical protection. This second year of funding will target specific marine user groups with a variety of approaches, including talks, events and active social media messaging to engage with larger audiences, and the launch of a “Seagrass Champions” initiative.

Strategic Exe Weirs – £7,500

A holistic project enhancing the River Exe for salmon passage whilst engaging the local community with the issues faced by local salmon populations. Aiming to halt the decline of fish populations on the Exe by improving fish passage, connectivity, and restoring life-stage habitat; while connecting local people with the restoration work via the popular Salmon Run event on 29th September 2024.

Discovering the Cove Phase 2 – £3,850

Connecting local schools and their communities with nearby wild spaces. Following the successful delivery of phase 1, Disover the Cove will replicate the programme with two more Brixham schools to introduce the children to local coastal wildlife and habitats through a series of presentations, workshops, and field trips to Churston Cove.

Till the Coast is Clear x Depeche Mode Round 2 – £29,850

The second year of a project generously enabled by Depeche Mode and Hublot’s Memento Mori Tour charity partnership with the Conservation Collective to tackle plastic pollution, enabling Till the Coast is Clear to scale up their vital work recovering plastic pollution from hard-to-reach locations on the South Devon coast.

Species Recovery Centre – £25,000

Enabling Keep it Wild to create an ambitious new Species Recovery Centre to collate lost and rare species into a central location, then build captive breeding knowledge and expertise to produce high volumes of these important species at scale to suitable nature restoration projects across the UK.


A big thank you to everyone who has generously donated to make these grants possible.

We are currently fundraising for our Q3 grants round this autumn. If you would like to make a donation to enable more good things happen for nature in Devon, please get in touch!

You can donate directly, choose us as your One Percent for the Planet partner,  or donate via JustGivingYour support would mean the world to us! 🙏


Images courtesy of Keep it Wild, Till the Coast is Clear and Tidelines.