The Nature Restorers: Regenerative Agriculture Training

‘The Nature Restorers’ series spotlights uplifting stories of grassroots nature restoration in Devon, showing the power of channelling funds to the local projects who are best-placed to restore nature in the places they love.

The Apricot Centre’s Regenerative Agriculture School offers practical training to fill a skills gap and grow the next generation of regenerative farmers.

Regenerative Agriculture brings many benefits to farmers, their communities, and their local environment. As the cost of fossil fuels and fertilisers skyrocket, and the challenges of droughts and flash-flooding become regular occurrences, regenerative practices provide farmers with effective tools to adapt and thrive.

The Apricot Centre’s Regenerative Agriculture School has:

  • worked with 15 farms in the local area
  • trained over 100 trainee students so far: new entrant farmers and those who have been farming for a long time
  • measured the impact of regenerative farming and showed others how to do it too
  • increased biodiversity, e.g. their worm count increased by 400%
  • enhanced soil quality while sequestering 10 tonnes of carbon per hectare!


DEF’s funding kick-started the Apricot Centre’s Regenerative Agriculture School and unlocked bigger pieces of funding so they can offer this vital training free of charge. Our consistent support has been key in the early stages of exploring the long-term financial viability of the school.

DEF is so excited by this project, and its potential to unleash exponential positive change for nature. Its true impact will unfold over the decade, rippling out as each cohort of apprentices applies regenerative practices to the land they work on and the people they interact with.

Devon Environment Foundation specialises in identifying beacon projects that are making a tangible difference for nature on the ground, helping them to scale up and showcase best practice to amplify their impact.

Find out more about DEF’s Regenerative Agriculture Training project HERE.

See the range of DEF’s grassroots nature restoration projects HERE.

Help DEF raise vital funds to support more brilliant projects like this by spreading the word and/or by making a donation HERE.

Together we can make even more good things happen for nature in Devon!