Life on Land: How DEF helps you achieve UN SDG 15

Did you know that supporting DEF is a great way to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Today we are spotlighting SDG 15 – Life on Land, and a handful of DEF’s projects that create thriving terrestrial ecosystems by:

🌳 recreating wildlife habitat,

🦉 restoring biodiversity loss, 

👩‍🌾 repairing & regenerating soils,

🍄 reducing soil erosion & run-off.

You can see the full diverse range of projects that DEF enables here.

Supporting DEF means you can share in our UN SDG impact too! You can make a donation anytime here.

We are proud to collaborate with businesses of all sizes to channel funding to where it is needed to deliver maximum impact for nature!

If you’d like to find out more about DEF and our projects, get in touch: