Fundraising: Devon Swifts Crowdfunder

We’re thrilled to announce our Devon Swifts Crowdfunder.

Throughout March, every £1 donated to DEF via the Devon Swifts Crowdfunder will be matched (up to £5,000)* – meaning you can DOUBLE your impact for Devon’s swifts.

Over the past 25 years, swift populations in the UK have plummeted by 60%, with 40% of that decline occurring in just the last decade.

DEF is supporting Devon Birds to continue rolling out their successful Devon Swift Boxes project which focuses on installing nest cabinets and audio lures in churches across the county to support swifts—a now red-listed species.

The brilliant team behind the Devon Swifts Project is working to reverse this trend by installing swift nest cabinets in churches, to provide stable, long-term nesting habitat, helping to secure the future of swifts in Devon.

With the support of local volunteers, conservationists, and communities, the dedicated team has already delivered significant impact, installing nest boxes and kickstarting new swift colonies in towns and villages throughout Devon.

Its success has fuelled demand for expansion across the county, and also inspired people to consider how they can accommodate swifts in their own homes and outbuildings.

Support our Devon Swifts Crowdfunder.

*DEF has donated the first £5,000 to the Crowdfunder and we are aiming to raise a further £5,000 to enable the work planned for 2025 . Every £1 donated will support Devon Swifts.

The Devon Swift Project Story so far…

The Devon Bird’s, Devon Swift Project, has already achieved remarkable progress, installing 1,204 nest chambers across Devon, including an impressive 128 chambers at Exeter Cathedral—a landmark effort that will provide a haven for generations of swifts.

There have been installations in 38 churches to date, but with 620 churches across Devon, there is significant potential for expanding the impact.

 We need to scale up this effort to support our swifts!

Support our Devon Swifts Crowdfunder.

Beyond these installations, there have also been work done to raise awareness and work with our local communities.

Through public meetings attended by over 170 people, Devon Swift Project have fostered a sense of shared responsibility, hope and enthusiasm for swift conservation.

With a growing network of ‘Swift Champions’ (community volunteers) stepping forward to advocate for swifts in their local areas.

We are hugely grateful for any support you can give to accelerate swift population recovery in Devon.

Support our Devon Swifts Crowdfunder.